(410) 838-7699 office@emmanuelbelair.org


5Emmanuel’s Columbarium is located in All Saints Chapel in the Undercroft of the Church. The unique design uses specially crafted steel urns and niche covers which become part of the structure of the individual sections.

The Columbarium at Emmanuel Church is intended to serve the greater Bel Air and Harford County communities as well as the members of the congregation. Members of Emmanuel Church, as well as non-members, may arrange for a license to a niche or niches which allows their use in perpetuity.

The niches are designed to hold only one set of ashes contained in the industry standard bag in which they are delivered to the family. No urns are required – in fact they cannot be made to fit the niches. Once in place, a cover lid is fitted to the niche, enabling the niche to become part of the structure of the entire columbarium unit.

Niches are available on a first come, first served basis. No niches can be held or reserved before the license is acquired. At certain times a license may be issued prior to the later construction of a new block of niches. The columbarium is maintained and the units finished in wood trim through the donations of those to whom licenses are issued.

For Members of Emmanuel Church the recommended donation is $1200.00 per niche. For Non-Members, the recommended donation is $1500.00.  There may also be additional fees for opening and closing the niche for use, and the engraving costs for the nameplate.

Please consult with the Rector if you have questions about the columbarium, would like to be issued a niche license or when the need arises to immure ashes in a niche.

The columbarium is open for visitations during regular office hours, and other times by appointment.