(410) 838-7699 office@emmanuelbelair.org


Every website should help you connect to the bigger picture. Here are some places that you may be interested in visiting.

The Diocese of Maryland — We are one of about 110 congregations that make up this regional body.

The Episcopal Church — Our Denomination’s homepage.

Daily Morning Prayer — a podcast produced by the Rev’d Dr. Chip Lee from The Episcopal Church in Garrett County. Typically about 15 minutes long, it includes a Psalm, two Scripture lessons and a selection of Prayers from the Daily Office.

The Lectionary Page — The place to go to find the appointed lessons and prayers for each and every Sunday, for the Daily Office and for particular saints days.

Oremus — Another place to find a form of Morning Prayer in text format. The prayers are drawn from a variety of sources. Innovative!

Enter the Bible — Did you ever hear a passage from scripture and want to know more about what it really means? This is a fabulous collection of historical, thematic and interpretive materials, including summaries, maps, lists of places and characters and videos illustrating and illuminating the texts.

Working Preacher — A terrific source for commentary on the Sunday Lectionary and conversations about preaching.

“Ship of Fools” — “The Magazine of Christian Unrest” by some very funny folks from The Church of England. Humor, conversation, controversy all in one package.