(410) 838-7699 office@emmanuelbelair.org

Worship Services

  • 8:00 AM and 12 Noon These are quieter, more reflective services, with just a little bit of music from our organist to move things along.
  • 10:15 AM  with hymns, service music, and active participation  by church volunteers as readers, prayer leaders, acolytes, and other worship leaders.
  • Sunday School begins at 10:00 AM, with students and teachers regathering in the church in time for Holy Communion.
  • Breakfast is served on the first and third Sundays of the month.
  • Coffee hour provides fellowship opportunities between the 10:15 and noon services every Sunday.
  • The Tuesday Healing Service meets in the Parish Hall at 10:00 AM. It is followed by a fellowship time during most of the year, but during Lent becomes the introduction to our Lenten Program offerings.


Christmas Services 2024: 5pm Family Service, 8pm Carols Service. Christmas day Holy Communion service at 10am.