Worship is what we do best!
It’s more than just praying, more than just praying together. At our 10:15 AM service it is also more than just praying together with singing.
Worship is taking time to come together to pray, to listen, to learn, to share, to reflect and most importantly to practice what our ultimate life in heaven will be like. Heaven is a banquet (you can look it up!) and so our worship moves inevitably to a moment where we eat and drink together, at the altar which is our little bit of heaven on earth. That’s what Holy Communion is all about.
The good news: You are welcome at our banquet table!
Here’s when:
Sunday at 8:00 AM We use a more traditional service in a very traditional style of language. We don’t sing, but our organist joins us to provide music to help us appreciate the beauty of holiness.
Sunday at 10:15 AM Though the service itself has ancient roots, the language is contemporary, we sing a wide variety of hymns and service music, and we acknowledge that people of all ages and conditions have a wide variety of needs. On any given Sunday in our pews you’ll find diaper bags, stuffed animals, knitting needles and wheelchairs.
Sunday at Noon A little more quiet, definitely more meditative, the late service is, surprisingly, our most diverse congregation. It is also, in many ways, our most intimate worship experience. Like at our early service, we don’t sing, but enjoy the accompaniment of our organist at moments of reflection.
Volunteering to Help Lead Public Worship Every service makes use of clergy but also of lay people, who read scripture lessons, lead the prayers, and assist with Holy Communion. There is no special training required for the first two, but a brief curriculum is available for people who want to help with communion. You’ll find it here: Full Curriculum for Chalicists
All Saints Chapel in the undercroft of the church is a unique and special place. Housing the original altar, and surrounded by our Columbarium, the chapel is available for small weddings, funerals and other special services.
Flowers at the Altar: Go here to see the Calendar